Demo Facebook pages "likes graph" related to Serious Games

Demo Facebook pages "likes graph" related to Serious Games

By Thierry Nabeth, senior research scientist @ independent researcher (and former participant of the GALA NoE, the FP7 Network of Excellence on Serious Games)

This page displays the 'like' relationships graph of FaceBook pages (top nodes) in the domain of serious games (e.g. Serious Games Society FB page).


Type: Lab, Conference, Project, Game, Studio, Undefined

Attraction between bodies: -100 -50 -30 -10 0 10     Rigidity: 1 2 5     Height: 300 550 800 1024

Select top Facebook pages to be displayed

About this application

Demo Facebook pages 'likes graph' image This page displays the 'like' relationships graph of FaceBook pages (top nodes) in the domain of serious games (e.g. Serious Games Society FB page).

Graph visualization is used to make more visible these relationships.

The data describing each top page is obtained from FaceBook Graph API

To view the code, do view source in your favorite browser.

The library D3.js is used for displaying the graph.

Note: This is a work in progress.

More about the Data

The data describing each top page is obtained from FaceBook Graph API using the Graph API explorer, and manually processed to create .json files (such as facebook-SGS.json).

Examples of API calls:

More about the visualization with D3.js

The (amazing) library D3.js is used for displaying the graph.

This application relies in particular on the d3-force package for calculating the position of the nodes in the graph visualization

As of now, in the application, the position of the nodes are the result of the pplication of the following forces:

More generally in D3.js, the position of the nodes result typically on the application of a set of multiple forces that include:

To Do

This application is very much an application in progress

To do list: